org-ql 查询是一个 lisp 表达式,它可以包含任意表达式,也可以调用某些内置谓词 predicates 。 org-ql 被编译成一个谓词函数,该函数在 org 缓冲区中的每个标题上进行点测试;当 non-nil 时,返回匹配到的标题。在可能的情况下,某些内置谓词被优化为全缓冲区正则表达式搜索,这比在每个标题上测试谓词要快得多。


  • "string" 这样的空字符串会自动转换为 (regexp "string") 谓词。
  • 标准数值比较函数符号(<~、~<=~、~>~、~>=~、~=)作为参数传递给接受它们的谓词时不需要加引号。与中缀表示法的相似是巧合。

Non-sexp query syntax

org-ql-search 命令也接受另一种 non-sexp 查询语法,而 helm-org-ql 命令只接受这种语法。语法很简单,两种语法中的几个查询示例就足够了。默认情况下,当使用多个谓词时,它们与布尔值 and 组合在一起。

Sexp syntaxNon-sexp syntax
(todo "SOMEDAY")todo:SOMEDAY
(ts :on today)ts:on=today
(ts-active :from "2017-01-01" :to "2018-01-01")ts-active:from=2017-01-01,to=2018-01-01
(clocked :on -1)clocked:on=-1
(heading "quoted phrase" "word")heading:"quoted phrase",word
(and (tags "book" "books") (priority "A"))tags:book,books priority:A
(src :lang "elisp" :regexps ("defun"))src:defun,lang=elisp or src:lang=elisp,defun
(and (tags "space") (not (regexp "moon")))tags:space !moon
(priority >= B)priority:A,B

请注意: effortlevelpriority 谓词在 non-sexp 语法中不支持比较器,因此应该传递多个参数,如最后一个示例所示。

General predicates

在适用的情况下, 参数列 在 谓词名称 旁边。

如果当前标题被阻塞,返回 non-nil。调用 org-entry-blocked-p ,见。
category (&optional categories)
如果当前标题在一个或多个 CATEGORIES 字符串列表中,则返回 non-nil。
如果条目的 TODO 关键字在 org-done-keywords 中,则返回 non-nil。
effort (&optional effort-or-comparator effort)
如果当前标题的 effort 属性与参数匹配,则返回非nil。可以接受以下形式:
  1. (effort DURATION) :如果effort为 DURATION ,则匹配。
  2. (effort DURATION DURATION):如果 effort 在是在DURATIONs之间,那就匹配,包括。
  3. (effort COMPARATOR DURATION):如果将 DURATIONCOMPARATOR 进行比较,则匹配。~COMPARATOR~ may be <, <=, >, or >=. DURATION 是一个 org effort 字符串, like 5 or 0:05.
如果条目是 habit,则返 non-nil。
heading (&rest strings)
如果当前条目的标题全部匹配 STRINGS ,返回 non-nil。匹配不区分大小写。
  • 别名: h.
heading-regexp (&rest regexps)
如果当前条目的标题匹配所有 REGEXPS (正则表达式字符串),则返回 non-nil。匹配不区分大小写。
  • 别名: h*.
level (level-or-comparator &optional level)
如果当前标题的大纲级别与参数匹配,则返回 non-nil 。可以接受以下形式:
  1. (level NUMBER) :如果标题级别为 NUMBER 则匹配。
  2. (level NUMBER NUMBER):如果标题级别等于或在 NUMBER 之间,则匹配。
  3. (level COMPARATOR NUMBER):如果标题级别与 NUMBERCOMPARATOR 比较,则匹配。 COMPARATOR 可以为 <, <=, >, or >=
link (&optional description-or-target &key description target regexp-p)
Return non-nil if current heading contains a link matching arguments. DESCRIPTION-OR-TARGET is matched against the link’s description and target. Alternatively, one or both of DESCRIPTION and TARGET may be matched separately. Without arguments, return non-nil if any link is found.
outline-path (&rest strings)
如果当前节点的大纲路径匹配所有的 STRINGS ,则返回 non-nil。每个字符串都可以作为子字符串出现在节点大纲路径的任何部分。例如: Food/Fruits/Grapes 将匹配 (olp "Fruit" "Grape")
  • 别名: olp.
outline-path-segment (&rest strings)
Return non-nil if current node’s outline path matches STRINGS. Matches STRINGS as a contiguous segment of the outline path. Each string is compared as a substring. For example the path Food/Fruits/Grapes would match (olps "Fruit" "Grape") but not (olps "Food" "Grape").
  • Aliases: olps.
path (&rest regexps)
Return non-nil if current heading’s buffer’s filename path matches any of REGEXPS (regexp strings). Without arguments, return non-nil if buffer is file-backed.
priority (&rest args)
Return non-nil if current heading has a certain priority. ARGS may be either a list of one or more priority letters as strings, or a comparator function symbol followed by a priority letter string. For example: (priority "A") (priority "A" "B") (priority '>= "B") Note that items without a priority cookie never match this predicate (while Org itself considers items without a cookie to have the default priority, which, by default, is equal to priority B).
property (property &optional value &key inherit)
Return non-nil if current entry has PROPERTY (a string), and optionally VALUE (a string). If INHERIT is nil, only match entries with PROPERTY set on the entry; if t, also match entries with inheritance. If INHERIT is not specified, use the Boolean value of org-use-property-inheritance, which see (i.e. it is only interpreted as nil or non-nil).
regexp (&rest regexps)
Return non-nil if current entry matches all of REGEXPS (regexp strings). Matches against entire entry, from beginning of its heading to the next heading.
  • Aliases: r.
rifle (&rest strings)
Return non-nil if each string is found in either the entry or its outline path. Works like org-rifle. This is probably the most useful, intuitive, general-purpose predicate.
  • Aliases: smart.
  • Note: By default, this is the default predicate used for plain-string query tokens (i.e. given without a specified predicate). This can be customized with the option org-ql-default-predicate.
src (&key lang regexps)
Return non-nil if current entry contains an Org Babel source block. If LANG is non-nil, match blocks of that language. If REGEXPS is non-nil, require that block’s contents match all regexps. Matching is done case-insensitively.
tags (&optional tags)
如果当前标题包含一个或多个 TAGS (字符串列表),则返回非 nil 。测试继承标记和本地标记。
tags-inherited (&optional tags)
如果当前标题的继承标签包含一个或多个 TAGS (字符串列表),则返回非 nil。如果 TAGS 为 nil,如果 heading 有任何继承的标签,则返回非 nil。
  • 别名: inherited-tags, tags-i, itags.
tags-local (&optional tags)
如果当前标题的 local 标签包含一个或多个 TAGS (字符串列表),则返回非 nil。如果 TAGS 为 nil,如果标题有任何 local 局部标记,则返回非 nil。
  • 别名: local-tags, tags-l, ltags.
tags-all (tags)
Return non-nil if current heading includes all of TAGS. Tests both inherited and local tags.
  • Aliases: tags&.
tags-regexp (&rest regexps)
如果当前标题包含匹配一个或多个正则 REGEXPS 标签,则返回非 nil。测试继承标记和本地标记。
  • 别名: tags*.
todo (&optional keywords)
如果当前标题是一个 TODO 项,则返回非 nil。对于 KEYWORDS ,如果关键字是 KEYWORDS (字符串列表)之一,则返回非 nil。当不带参数调用时,只匹配未完成的任务(即不匹配 org-done-keywords 中的关键字)。

Ancestor/descendant predicates

ancestors (&optional query)
如果当前标题有父标题,则返回 non-nil。如果 QUERY ,如果父标题匹配,则返回 non-nil。此选择器支持嵌套。
children (&optional query)
如果当前标题有直接子标题,则返回 non-nil。如果 QUERY ,如果子标题匹配,则返回 non-nil。这个选择器可以是嵌套的,例如匹配孙子标题。
descendants (&optional query)
如果当前标题有后代标题,则返回 non-nil。 If QUERY, 如果子标题匹配,则返回 non-nil。 这个选择器支持嵌套(如果你能找到嵌套!)
parent (&optional query)
如果当前标题有直接父标题,则返回 non-nil。如果 QUERY ,如果父标题匹配,则返回 non-nil。这个选择器可以是嵌套的,比如匹配父标题。

Date/time predicates


  • :from: 在时间戳 :from 上或之后匹配的条目
  • :to: 在时间戳 :to 上或之前匹配的条目.
  • :on: 在此日期时间戳 :on 匹配的条目
  • :with-time: 如果未指定,匹配带或不带时间的时间戳(例如 hh:mm )。如果为 nil,匹配不带时间的时间戳。如果是,将时间戳与时间匹配。

时间戳/日期参数应该是天数(向前看是正数,向后看是负数),可以通过 parse-time-string 解析的字符串(字符串可以省略时间值),符号 todayts 结构体。

  • Predicates
    • ts: 如果当前条目具有给定时间段内的时间戳,则返回 non-nil。不带参数,如果条目有时间戳,则返回非空值。

    • ts-active, ts-a: Like ts, 但只匹配活动时间戳。

    • ts-inactive, ts-i: Like ts,但只匹配非活动时间戳。


这两个谓词解释单个数字参数,就好像它被传递给了 :from 关键字参数,这简化了搜索过去几天内计时或关闭的项目的常见情况:

  • Backward-looking
    • clocked: Return non-nil if current entry was clocked in given period. Without arguments, return non-nil if entry was ever clocked. Note: Clock entries are expected to be clocked out. Currently clocked entries (i.e. with unclosed timestamp ranges) are ignored.
    • closed: Return non-nil if current entry was closed in given period. Without arguments, return non-nil if entry is closed.

These predicates interpret a single number argument as if it were passed to the :to keyword argument, which eases the common case of searching for items planned in the next few days:

  • Forward-looking
    • deadline: Return non-nil if current entry has deadline in given period. If argument is auto, return non-nil if entry has deadline within org-deadline-warning-days. Without arguments, return non-nil if entry has any deadline.
    • planning: Return non-nil if current entry has planning timestamp (i.e. its deadline, scheduled, or closed timestamp) in given period. Without arguments, return non-nil if entry has any planning timestamp.
    • scheduled: Return non-nil if current entry is scheduled in given period. Without arguments, return non-nil if entry is scheduled.